B&W Negatives Developing (not C-41):

35mm/120 - 9 EUR per roll
4x5 - 4.50 EUR per sheet
8X10 - 12 EUR per sheet

Push and pull processing is included in the price. All negatives are hand-processed according to the manufacturer's recommended times.

Negative film hi-res scanning:

35mm - 25 EUR per roll (negative and slides) or 0.70EUR per frame
120 - 25 EUR per roll (negative and slides) or 2EUR (6x6), 2.5EUR (6x7) etc. per frame
4x5 - 6 EUR per sheet
8x10 - 20 EUR per sheet

Negatives and slides will be scanned in high-resolution 2400dpi, 48bits, TIFF in order to achieve the optimal physical size of the file.
The output file will be TIFF, 300 dpi.
Each frame is scanned individually. Automatic colour correction and adjustments are included.

35mm negatives and slides will be scanned with HI-RES mirrorless camera and macro lens on a copy stand. Output file in this case will be - TIFF, 300dpi, appx 42MP.
Scanning of larger negatives and slides with a HI-RES camera and macro lens is also possible. Price: POA

Developing + Scanning:

35mm/120 - 32EUR in total /per roll
4x5 - 9 EUR in total /per sheet
8x10 - 28 EUR in total /per sheet

Glass plates hi-res scanning:

4x5 - 10 EUR
8x10 - 25 EUR

Prints/photographs scanning:

Size up to A4 or 8x10in (prices per photograph):

1-100 prints 80c per
101-200 prints 75c
201-300 prints 70c
over 300 65c

PLEASE NOTE: Cleaning, precise colour correction and other 'deep' adjustments are NOT included in the above prices. Such work can be arranged and the price will be confirmed. Only automatic colour correction and adjustments are included.